Modern Chic Wedding in Malibu

Wedding in Malibu Hills

Denise & Pedram

A Message from the Bride

Describe your experience with finding your wedding gown: Honestly, finding my wedding gown was surprisingly easy!

When I first walked into Galia Lahav and quickly headed straight to a gown that had caught my eye and was using her as the example of the style I was looking for.

Something about her was giving me butterflies, but I went ahead and tired on about 10 gowns, all beautiful.

They kept Edna (name of the dress that first caught my eye) for last, as they also knew I would look best in her.

Once the vail went on, I knew she was the one. I am still in awe if wearing such a beautiful gown. I found my dress before my venue but I wasn't worried, I knew she would fit perfectly in any summer venue.

Describe your experience with wedding planning: Our planner was amazing! We found Rita of Events Boutique through the wedding venue as she had previously worked at the venue and was knowledgeable about the property.

She was always on top of everything and made our day go as smooth as possible. Trust in your wedding planner!

How did you meet? I was at my girlfriends house ready to go out in West Hollywood, she had a couple friends meeting us at her place, he walked in cracking a joke and thought he was funny.

Pedram later handed me his phone, I put my number in, and everything went on organically from there.

Describe the moment he proposed: We had planned to go away for New Years to Hawaii, everything was booked, but the day before we left, I decided to take a covid test because I was feeling sick, sure enough I was positive.

Once we canceled those plans, he was still pushy to get out of the house and at least go somewhere local and quarantine in a hotel.

We went down to San Diego, after midnight, we shared an intimate moment, where he proposed. It was as perfect as can be!

What are your favorite moments of your wedding day? The moment that I will always cherish is when we exchanged our vows.

We were both present in the moment, the feelings rushing through my body is something I will cherish forever. 

The speeches from our sisters and best friends were amazing and I am so happy we will have those moments on video.

Interesting facts about the wedding or couple: Our venue promised an end time of midnight, turned out to be 10pm due to noise ordinance.

Our friends, family and most importunely, our DJ kept the party going inside the estate, where we partied till 1am.

Somethings will just out of your control, stay in the moment, with your loved ones around you, it all works out.

Any advice you have for 2022 brides? Stick with you gut! Many people will try and persuade you to do things a certain way…

On the big day, do not get upset of the things you can't control, so try and delegate to trusted bridesmaids or groomsmen to make sure things are getting done while you and your groom are busy.

My husband's best man was parking cars at one point to make sure things were going smoothly.

Importantly, have good people around you!

Wedding Reception Design Theme: My husband had a lot to do with our final look.

We both equally contributed to the reception theme and colors. We both wanted simplicity but with a modern chic vibe.

With the space we had to work with, we were both so thrilled with the way everything came out.

Wedding Reception Design Inspiration: Instagram was really where we found our inspiration.

We were both gravitating towards all white, hint of black, non traditional flower pieces. We were obsessed with our final look!


Photography: Rene Zadori Photography

Event Planner & Designer: Events Boutique

Floral Designer: Four Seasons Florist

Bridal Dress Designer: Galia Lahav

Makeup Artist: Landyn Alexa

Hair Stylist: Hair by Diana

Groom's Tux: Tom Ford

Cake Baker: Dress My Cake

DJ/Entertainment: DJ Farjad of Mazal Entertainment

Photo Session Location: Malibu Garden Estate

Reception Rentals: Dark Bright Production

Catering: David Masrour