Illustrious Charm in Beverly Hills
PreWedding Session
Zareh & Ileen
A message from the bride
Describe your experience with finding the perfect location for your PreWedding Session: We both wanted an outdoor and indoor setting for our pre-wedding session. Once we stumbled across Virginia Robinson Gardens, we were sold!

Every corner of this beautiful 6-acre estate gave us a different vibe. A historic mansion, with botanical gardens, and cute old school typewriter that Rene could not stop touching!

What are your recommendations/tips for couples before/during their PreWedding Session?: Just relax, be yourselves, and let Rene and his team take control.

If one little thing goes wrong (i.e. make up or weather) don't let it ruin your mood. Remember, this session is about your love...and you're lucky to have a photographer to capture such precious moments to cherish forever!

What was your favorite part about your session?: Taking the time off work, putting away our phones, and just enjoying each other's presence at a location that we felt a connection with with a photographer that we trust.

Describe the moment he proposed!: I still can't find the words to explain how perfect it was. It was everything I love all at the same place & at the same time.

Zareh took me horseback riding on the beach and ended proposing to me on a bed of pillows on the sand with roses, candles, and champagne.

We had our alone time and then ended up going home to an even bigger surprise - all my friends and family waiting to celebrate our love.

Interesting/fun facts about the couple or session : Four years before they went on their first date, Ileen had volunteered to participate as a mock-trial jury member for her cousin, at her law school and Zareh had volunteered to participate in the same exact event for his best friend. Low and behold, Zareh and Ileen sat in the same jury box (at arms-reach), and even ended up going out on a triple date afterwards! But, neither of them even remembered one another.

Four years later, Arsine and Arden (now married) re-introduced Zareh and Ileen!

Photography: Rene Zadori Photography
PreWedding Session Location: Virginia Robinson Garden
Hair Stylist: Hair by Nare
Makeup Artist: Faces by Rob